
My name is Lois.

I am a gardener.  It is written in my DNA.  My mother is a gardener, my father was a gardener. My grandfather on my mother's side was a gardener.  I suspect there may have been more gardeners in the family tree.  When my husband, Eric, and I bought our first house, I was magnetically drawn to the soil.  To be outside and not be digging in the soil or weeding or planning is to be living a half life.

I am an animal lover and currently share my household with cats and dogs.  At one time, we also had several house rabbits.

When it comes to hobbies, I am a jack of all trades, master of none. I am creative and inspired, but not particularly talented.  I currently dabble in Bookbinding, Calligraphy, Quilting, and Photography.

I am a native of Southwestern Pennsylvania, USA.  Eric and I have moved away from Southwestern Pennsylvania twice for jobs, only to be drawn back here by some invisible force.  Our friends and family are here, this is our home and the center of our universe.

Why "A Wren in My Teacup?"

One summer, at dusk, Eric was sitting under the gazebo, enjoying the peace and quiet.  A noisy little wren arrived and made himself comfortable in one of the decorative tea cups I had hung in the rafters of the gazebo.  Frequently since that first summer evening, he (or she) and sometimes a companion, have settled into teacups and slept the night under our gazebo.  For more info and pictures, see this post and this site.

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